
Lovelli Ariesti

With your help, Blasting News can grow.

Blasting News is a community and, as a community, it’s based on the help of everybody. Only with you Blasting News can grow. The more, the merrier:

we will be able to attract more readers
your articles could be read by more people and earn more money
with more members on the platform, we will be able to provide better daily services and higher compensation rates per article

You will get $5 for each article written only by people registered through your invitation, within their first month of activity, up to the first 5 articles per person.

Your friends will also get a $5 bonus for each article written with the first month of activity, up to 5 articles.

Note: Only people with a minimum of 100 friends on Facebook are eligible for referral bonuses.

Join communities of writers, freelance journalists or common readers on Facebook, LinkedIn and on all the other Social Networks. Invite the people you meet there to sign up to Blasting News through your personal link.
Earn $5 per each article they write, up to 5 articles!

Your friends will also get $5 per each article they write, up to 5 articles. This is a great way to help you bring them on board! Remind it to them clearly.

Blasting News aims to change the journalism industry bringing meritocracy and democracy. Everyone can write an article on Blasting News: only quality matters.

7 years ago