
Dan Cristo

New Feature - Self-Serve Influencer Marketing Campaigns

You may notice a new button at the top right of the Tribal stream. It says, "+ Campaign".

Press it, and you'll be taken to a campaign creation wizard letting you run the same type of Influencer Marketing campaign as fortune 500 companies and top notch marketing agencies.

What are Influencer Marketing Campaigns?
Companies can create a marketing campaign on Triberr to find and work with influential bloggers and social media enthusiasts. Read more here:

Who are these campaigns for?
Companies - Create and run a campaign for your business
Agencies - Run a campaign on behalf of a client
Freelancers - Run a campaign on behalf of a client
Bloggers/Influencers - Get hired to work with well know brands

Didn't Triberr already announce Influencer Marketing Campaigns?
Yes, but we only worked with agencies, and you needed to work with us directly to launch a campaign. Now anyone can launch a campaign at any time.

There is a ton of additional information about campaigns that we'll place on our blog and site in the future. For now this announcement is to let everyone know that self-serve campaigns are officially available to the public. Enjoy!

10 years ago