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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

The Dog Bloggers Tribe is all about supporting one another and helping each other grow as bloggers! Please be an active part of the Tribe by sharing other members' content AT LEAST every 2 weeks. Spread the love! Welcome!
What are we thankful for today? Today is a tough day to be thankful I have some weird growths that Mom is taking me to the vet to have looked at, and we have some of the...
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My GBGV Life is joining Comedy Plus for some Wordless Wednesday fun.
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We had one crazy weekend! It was three days long, full of variety, and not too many high points. There were a few good things, so we thought we would share our weekend...
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Dare Or Die Releases in Audiobooks! I'm delighted to announce the release of my latest Amy Shojai thriller, DARE OR DIE, now available in audiobook. And yes, I narrate...
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Is My Dog Depressed? Canine Enrichment Quick Tips Releases in Audiobook! Yes, I've covered feline enrichment before, too, but this post is for the dawgs! Here's my...
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