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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Bloggers and writers focused on writing a book on their blog or repurposing existing blog content into a book.
Receiving reader feedback on your manuscript before you publish might be the most valuable step you can take toward producing a successful book. You can obtain this...
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Blogging a book is exciting and interesting…most of the time. But you need a strategy for the days when you don't feel motivated to work on your blog-a-book project....
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Writing and editing are two different things, but the latter can be the key to producing well-written blog posts and blogged book manuscripts. Today writing teacher and...
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Marketing is an essential for bloggers and authors alike, but it doesn't have to be hard or overwhelming. Today, Jay Artale (@BirdsOAFpress) explains how you can put...
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Bloggers often embark on their journeys with great clarity about the direction they want to sail. Feeling like the captains of their blogging ships, they know what...
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