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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

The maximum limit for this tribe is 30 and it is currently full. If you want to become a member, please become a follower to be put on the waiting list.

We all appreciate every share that we get from the group but, because all of our niches are a little different, sharing everyone's content all of the time is not mandatory.
What are we thankful for today? Today is a tough day to be thankful I have some weird growths that Mom is taking me to the vet to have looked at, and we have some of the...
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My GBGV Life is joining Comedy Plus for some Wordless Wednesday fun.
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We had one crazy weekend! It was three days long, full of variety, and not too many high points. There were a few good things, so we thought we would share our weekend...
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The joy of finding a hide is the main reason we all do nose work. Mom says I take that joy a bit farther than my sisters do. Back in May I earned my Level On Container...
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We headed out to The Kiski School in Pennsylvania last Thursday morning for Olivia's Summit Trial. Even though it is an all boys boarding school, we girls got to go...
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