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  • Christian Internet Outreach/Social Networking


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

'Tribe convened' to help collate and aggregate those christian members within the triberr community who are interested in growing their outreach and social internet use further for spreading the Gospel, supporting and encouraging the growth of the body of using all means to 'go into all the world' and to save any thereby; to promote the sharing of free resources; Bethel Christian Fellowship (pentecostal) set up outreach- but we are all one nation in Christ.
Picking your teamIt has been a great road towards the end of the year. If you haven't been following our posts, we are running a series called #Before2015. In this...
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Welcome the second of our posts as we count down to the end of the year 2014 #Before2015. Our previous post dealt with the issue of forgiveness and how important it is...
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The third of our series of changes to make #Before2015. The last two dealt with forgiveness and Excuses. Today we move on to the issue of scars. I know deep down that...
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No matter how well you start a race, the grandest significance is placed on how you finish it. As we finish this year of 2014, let us finish it stronger than we started....
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Connect with webdesigner's profile: please feel free to endorse, friend or recommend Box File: select folder or scroll within the right margin of the box widget......
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