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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This tribe supports the aim of business enterprises that want to have a positive social impact. We want to support the sector and individual social enterprises that need to raise awareness of their work.

The Social Enterprise Tribe is designed to do this all through sharing information about:

Expert analysis and comments
Online Networking
Discussions, debate and sharing best practice
Social Sharing
When it comes to convincing people to become monthly donors, our approach to email is all wrong. At least this is what I get to thinking sometimes when having...
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What is interactive content Interactive content is a specific piece of content aimed at engaging participants or readers, more than simply reading or watching....
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What is Marketing Automation? Simply put, it is scheduling and sending emails based on user behaviour with the ultimate goal of driving leads and donors to take...
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Marketing automation campaigns are a great way to guide your leads and supporters through each stage of the donor journey, moving them from lead to cash donor, to...
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Strategic storytelling is all about using stories to inspire and engage people to support your organisation in achieving its goals. A Narrative Framework does just that....
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