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  • ASMSG Adults Only (Adult Blogger Content)

I'm finally returning to Readercon after a few years of pandemic-forced break! And the schedule I've got looks quite juicy! Readercon, if you're not familiar with it,...
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Summer beach reading season is almost here, and so is the release of a new anthology from 17 authors in Passionate Ink, including myself! Passionate Ink is the leading...
A Moment With Mystee
A Moment With Mystee 10 months ago
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A simple writing technique can amplify positive thinking and increase your success. Would you like to experience more wins every day? Become happier? Increase your...
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Imagine yourself, trying to describe remarkable female characters without video, sound, color, or imagery. Your only tool is black lettering on a white page. Now try to...
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This morning was the ICFA panel on “Editing Beyond the Non-Western World,” which was intended to feature guest of honor Oghenechovwe Donal Ekpeki, as well as...
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