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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This tribe is made up of PR Pros and Colleagues who are dedicated to eradicating bad PR, spin and tarnished images of Public Relations. We do this through out blogs, our professionalism, and our adherence to ethics. We also kick butt!
Vampire customers exist in every organization.You know the ones -- the ones that are excessively needy, that are overly demanding, and that can often be downright...
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A survey and a poll from either the leading university (who the hell has ever heard of Quinnipiac University , why is it the bell weather of presidential elections and...
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National Customer Service Week 2016 is just around the corner! Starting on Oct 3, National Customer Service Week is an opportunity for you and your team to shine...
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You don’t have to be a customer service expert to know that respect is an immensely important part of customer service. In fact, we consider respect a cornerstone of...
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Research on first impressions confirms two very fundamental facts: first impressions happen rapidly and subconsciously. The old adage is true: you never get a chance to...
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