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  With all the hooting and cars swinging from one side of the road to the other across multiple lanes, it's like a jungle on Indians roads. To the uninitiated it might...
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Travelling on a budget is not for the faint-hearted. It's also not for those who love perfect plans. As they say, a good plan is better than a perfect one that is never...
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We never planned to specialise in budget travelling. Circumstances forced this on us. And we don't regret. Here is why. Imagine for a moment that it's the early 90s....
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Men like taking risks. That's a fact. They take risks when  learning, playing, sitting and even sleeping. In fact, they do it all the time. I am guilty of a few sins...
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Zupa ugotowana, na patelni usmazone kotlety, nakarmione dzieci wesolo bawia sie  klockami, w tle slychac pranie, a Ty, z szerokim usmiechem na twarzy, witasz meza...
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