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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A tribe for personal finance and investing bloggers to share and get noticed on social media. It's a huge blogging market but you have to get your posts in front of people. Share freely and others will share your content.
At its meeting today, the RBA decided to maintain the current policy setting. Official interest rates remain at the record low of 0.10% pa. Spring renovation...
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As the Reserve Bank of Australia has publicly stated it has no intentions to move official interest rates at this moment, it came as no surprise when they announced the...
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The Reserve Bank of Australia has stated that it has no intention to raise interest rates this year, so it comes as no surprise that the official interest rate remains...
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At its meeting today, the Reserve Bank Board announced it was leaving the cash rate unchanged at 0.1%. While official interest rates haven’t changed, it’s worth...
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As expected, the Reserve Bank of Australia has kept interest rates at a record low 0.10%. The bank has said it has no intention of raising interest rates for the...
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