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  • Authors, Writers, Word Crafters Unite--For the love of words!


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

For anyone who blogs about their writing, their publishing journey, their favorite authors, tips, anything to help encourage authors and writers, helps to further their writing careers and overall support. All are welcome.
Today, I have another book release. I know, I know, it's really close to the one last week, but this is a solo project whereas the other was a group effort. There's...
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Life comes at us at a thousand miles per hour and it’s sometimes difficult to focus on what’s important. Stress manifests in the form of family, friends,...
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I'm privileged to be among a group of authors that released an anthology From Stuck To Limitless, which talks about people in traumatic situations who've overcome to...
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I’m a chronic tinkerer. There I’ve admitted it. The thing is, I forgot. I’m sure it says how much I’m not writing the way I used...
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 Here’s hoping you had a wonderful Mother’s Day celebration with your family. For me, it was a quiet day spent with the family. My son and I got up to...
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