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  • Curiously Creative - YA friendly


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

I'm a Christian YA (Young Adult) writer. This tribe is all about expression: writing, books (including reviews), music, and other creative outlets are encouraged. Blogs about health and other family-minded topics welcomed. I love inspirational stories, social media, editing/publishing/agent info, and cats. But mostly chocolate. Welcome!
Dear Diary,Poetry today. About finding your creative voice.ExpressWay Because wordsare more than words,but a gateway to expression. Yet, words are merely one...
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Pinterest is a marketing marvel that is completely underused by authors is marketing their brand. In my online class PinIt! I’ll be teaching how authors can make...
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I’m conducting an experiment! I feel so scientific (which is weird because I did really poorly in science in school). I’m going to be seeing how Pinterest...
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Here we are at blog post number two in the PinIt series for Authors. I want to talk about why Pinterest is the number two traffic driver behind Google. This is in...
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When I decided to start blogging seriously here on Confused and Terrified Writer I thought about what topic I really wanted to focus on. I’ve been kind of...
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