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Blogger Tribe (Invite-only Tribe)

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A glacier slowly winding its way down a valley. Glaciers play a huge role in shaping the landscape of the Rocky Mountains.  Here is a definition and a diagram showing...
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Beautiful wildflowers in Utah. Photosynthesis is the process plants use to convert sunlight into energy.  Here is a simple diagram of photosynthesis, and some useful...
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Epiphytes can be found in unusual places, such as the trunks of trees or cliff sides.  Here is the definition of epiphyte and a couple of examples. Life is all around...
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A mountain goat is an iconic animal of the Rockies. Rocky mountain ungulates are all over the place in the wild, on farms, and even in towns.  Here is a definition of...
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A molting mountain goat is shedding its thick winter coat. Molting is simply the process of animals replacing their hair or feathers with new ones.  Here is an overview...
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