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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This tribe is primarily for blogging authors and reviewers of gay paranormal fiction. If the books contain BDSM elements, all the better, but not necessary. Do you enjoy writing/ reading about alluring demons, angels, werewolves, vampires and their interactions with mortals? Do you love BDSM scenes? If you do, this tribe may be the right place for you. My books fit into this category and I'm be happy to provide space for other great works in this sub-genre.

With that said, from time to time I open door to this tribe also to authors of other gay fiction sub-genres, as long as I am personally captivated by their writing.

As always with Triberr, the maximum benefit is reached when we work on the reciprocity basis. This means approving everyone's blog posts. There are however the following exceptions in this tribe:
1) the post is not related to books/ writing at all
2) the post is a rant
3) the post features a heterosexual relationship (a snippet, a promo post, a guest post). Also M/M/F and M/F/M combinations fall into this category.
4) promotional posts (please avoid words as free, coupon, deal, bundle, discount, giveaway, hurry, shipping, $, register, shop, sample, savings, freebies, hop, off!, earn, winner, cash, promotion, guarantee, guaranteed, order, win, swagbucks, coupons, deals, winner, winners, cheap, rafflecopter, prize, off!!, off!!!, contest, sponsor, %, giveaways, g!ve, give@way in the names of your posts)

If a post falls in any of the above mentioned areas, members of this tribe are not required to share it with their followers. This is not to discriminate against some kinds of posts, it's just to keep the stream relevant to gay fiction.

I know, you haven't heard from me in a while. All I can say is WORK. It's crazy right now. Someday I'll sell a million books and be able to 'retire' and just write....
Kayelle Allen
Kayelle Allen 8 years ago
Married 42 years so have a bit of experience. It means when things go wrong and you have reasons to be angry, you work through it. A good marriage is work. Like a career or a goal -- you have to want it. If you refuse to give up, good things can happen. When you get older and have that other person who's been there with you through the ups and downs, it's all worth it. That's love.
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Episode One is finally here! Sid Rivers has reached the end of his rope. He’s waited sixteen long months for Jack to return, but he hasn’t heard a peep from the man....
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Let's just say that I've received more than a few emails asking me this question. Thanks for caring. I'm here. Stupid busy, but here. I'm still working on Season Two of...
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12 Courses, the sixth book in the Delectable Series is officially here! I can’t believe it. Six books. Actually more than that, when you count the missing scenes and...
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I just wanted to say thanks to all my readers and wish you the happiest of holidays and a very successful and fulfilling new year. For myself, 2015 has been a year of...
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