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There’s a method of structuring stories — typically used for screenplays — that I’ve come to adopt for both screenplays and novels. I’ve even built a Scrivener...
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I admire John Truby. He’s a sreenwriter, director and teaches screenwriting. He’s consulted on over (it says) 1,000 scripts. But when he starts bad mouthing the...
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Somehow (and believe me, I’ll find out the “how”. And the “who”) a post in a language I don’t speak appeared as if authored by me on this site.  Last night....
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Not a post about writing, per se. But an interesting experience that kinda blew my mind. I fell asleep last night watching an episode of Columbo, listening to the audio...
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April 15th marks the arrival of my tenth book, “Killing Time”. The first was “Matt’s War”, initially released in September of 2010 (and revised thoroughly...
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