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There are times in life where we as humans are presented with the chance to make a difference. February 28th was one of those days.  At the start of this quarter I...
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I cannot express in words alone my outrage at the lack of coverage of the events that are happening here on American soil. First three young Muslims were murdered in...
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My name is Nashoba Tohbi,  it's Choctaw for White Wolf. Most of you know my by my given name, Erica.  But I only consider one of those to be my real name... A few...
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When I first heard the name Tent City 3.. a lot of different things ran through my mind. What is tent city, why are they coming to my school, and how will this impact...
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Most likely you already know, that the Seattle Seahawks are heading to the Superbowl once again. That game was by far the most heart wrenching game ever.... I never...
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