Bay Area Surgical Management United States of America

At Bay Area Surgical Management, we aim to attract and retain the finest professionals in the field by offering competitive rewards, comprehensive benefits, and a work environment that promotes unity and collaboration.

Cutting-edge Innovation: Remaining at the forefront of healthcare innovation is a crucial commitment. Our facilities are equipped with the latest technological advancements to ensure superior patient care and streamlined operations.

Efficient Resource Management: Recognizing the importance of affordability in healthcare, we utilize advanced technology and continually optimize our systems to ensure responsible and efficient resource management.

Community Commitment: Our dedication extends to the communities we serve by offering subsidized or complimentary surgical services in underserved regions of Northern and Southern California, emphasizing our commitment to societal health and well-being.

At BASM, our unwavering focus on quality and innovation has established us as a leader in delivering exemplary healthcare services to the communities we serve.

Julia Heshemieh: President and CEO, Bay Area Surgical Management: Heshemieh is a visionary healthcare executive with a distinguished track record in spearheading operational excellence and strategic growth. Bringing over 20 years of invaluable experience in the healthcare industry, she has been leading BASM as its President and CEO since the very beginning in 2003.

Under her guidance, BASM has grown to become a foremost provider of exceptional surgical care in the San Francisco Bay Area. The company has seen substantial expansion, growing to 18 surgery centers, and is renowned among surgeons for its steadfast commitment to quality and patient-focused care. Ms. Heshemieh's leadership has been central to BASM's stature as an eminent healthcare provider.
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