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frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement, and occupational hazards in the workplace and during old age
1. Frozen shoulder refers to a condition where the shoulder joint becomes stiff, causing pain and limited range of motion. It is characterized by inflammation and the formation of adhesions within the joint capsule. Frozen shoulder can result from injury, overuse, or medical conditions and commonly affects individuals aged 40-60.
2. Shoulder impingement occurs when the tendons of the rotator cuff and the bursa in the shoulder become compressed or irritated, leading to pain, weakness, and difficulty moving the shoulder. It is often caused by repetitive overhead activities or poor shoulder mechanics. Shoulder impingement can affect people of all ages, particularly those involved in activities such as swimming, tennis, or repetitive lifting.
3. Work-related hazards can pose risks to shoulder health. Jobs that involve heavy lifting, repetitive motions, or awkward postures can increase the likelihood of developing shoulder problems. Examples include factory workers, athletes, and occupations that require continuous use of the shoulders over an extended period.
4. Aging is associated with an increased risk of shoulder issues. Degenerative changes, such as osteoarthritis or tendon degeneration, may occur over time, leading to shoulder pain and stiffness. Older individuals may also experience a loss of muscle strength and flexibility, making them more susceptible to shoulder injuries and impairments.
seeking medical advice and proper diagnosis from healthcare professionals is essential for any shoulder-related issues, as treatment options may vary depending on the specific condition and individual factors.
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