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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This is a tribe for authors who are dedicated more to craft than ego. Assholes welcome, with the proviso that they not be assholes to other tribe members. The rules are simple:1) You only have to approve the stuff you think is worthy of endorsing to your friends, fans, and followers. 2) Regardless of rule one, you DO have to approve stuff regularly. It's one thing to look at a post by someone and decide 'meh... not for me'. You do NOT have the right to simply milk tweets from other tribesmen. 3) There is no three, yet. I just wanted to make you keep reading.... It's an author thing! LOL.
Even though I grew up in a predominately white middle-class neighborhood, I have never been racist. When the first black families started moving into the neighborhood I...
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Ebbie McSwain and her teenage daughter, Shanna begin their fateful day when they set off on a road trip to Breckinridge, Colorado. It should have been a simple two hour...
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The truth is that many of us will not have a great Thanksgiving.  Every family has their share of dysfunction- it just varies in severity. In some families it may be a...
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Earlier in the year I submitted Amazon Moon to the Military Writers Society of America for a review. The months passed and when I’d almost forgotten about it, I...
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Ebbie McSwain and her teenage daughter, Shanna begin their fateful day when they set off on a road trip to Breckinridge, Colorado. It should have been a simple two hour...
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