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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This tribe is for Mommy Bloggers who blog mostly about their families and day to day lives. This tribe is not meant for blogs that are strictly promotional.

This tribe is NOT for you if you *exclusively* blog about:

I understand that at some point we all post promotional content on our blogs and that is fine as long as personal posts make up the main content.

It is vitally important that we all share each others' content equally! If you are a member just SHARE SHARE SHARE!
That is what we're here for!
I know what it’s like to feel that getting organized shouldn’t be so hard, and the answer definitely isn’t to keep wasting money on more storage containers or...
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How to others celebrate the New Year around the world? How about the history of New Years celebrations? Many celebrations around the world have their own customs,...
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Chips off the old Block: The Countdown is On.... ...
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Just imagine enjoying radiant good health… waking up with high energy every single day… feeling your body grow stronger… being able to offer your family...
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Cold & Flu Season: Are You Ready? by Carol Little ($9.99) Common Sense Home Remedies Book #1 – Head, Throat & Chest by Laurie Neverman of Common Sense Home...
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