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  • Always Be Writing and Learning About Writing and Editing


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

I am a freelance editor and writing instructor. I blog about writing craft and self-editing and bringing drama and naked reality back into your fiction. Good writing craft = getting published!rnI read blogs about fiction, genre, writing craft, writing motivation, self-editing, promotion, author marketing, the writing biz, etc. Lets get together and share our knowledge!
According to a recent New York Times article, users spend an average of fifty minutes on Facebook. Fifty minutes! And though this number includes Instagram and the...
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But first, an announcement~ The winner of Chuck Sambuchino’s book, How To Get a Literary Agent is…morgynstarz!  Chuck will be in touch, and will send you the book....
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I’m an open book. Ask the people who know me best, and that’s what they’ll tell you. I’m not secretive. No one has ever described me as “aloof.” I’ve never...
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When I began writing, my children were very young—4 months and 2 years respectively. Each day at 2 PM, I would tuck them in for their naps and I had three to four...
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Google “perfectionism” and “writers” and you’d think perfectionism was a deadly disease. Pages pop up offering tips for overcoming the “disorder,” warnings...
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