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My preschooler practiced graphing, counting, color words, and tally marks with this printable Snail Race Graphing Game!
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This is an awesome boredom buster for toddlers with super simple materials that you have on hand right now: Straws and Cotton Swabs Sensory Bin!
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We had a ton of fun with this homemade paint recipe: Process Art with Fizzy Flour Paint is great for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners - actually, for kids of all...
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Help your kindergartener or preschooler practice handwriting with this cute Community Helper Handwriting Practice Printable! Includes a dashed font and one with...
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Combining shaving cream and sand should have been a no brainer - they're our very favorite sensory materials, after all! It took a while for us to get around to it, but...
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