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  • Team Natural: Natural Hair Talk & Tips


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This open tribe is dedicated to the care, growth and styling of curly, kinky, coily hair. Women & Men are welcome, and I hope this tribe can serve as a resource for parents choosing to raise their children with virgin, chemically unaltered, healthy hair.
Well at least mine does.  However, this wasn’t always the case.  There once was a time, which at this point it seems like eons ago, that my laptop provided a way...
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Do you ever feel like people are judging your actions? Why do people feel the need to make others feel like crap about the decisions they make? Do you ever find...
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Now that you’ve done the hair porosity test, you can find out the specifics of the different natural hair porosity levels. This will go a long way in helping you...
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PrePoo stands for Pre shampoo treatment and mostly uses oils. It is an integral part of any natural hair regimen as shown below. It is an extra step and many naturals...
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When you’re newly natural the deluge of information from YouTube and several other sources can be overwhelming. Furthermore, to expect a newly natural to know what...
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