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Blogger Tribe (Invite-only Tribe)

A community of creative thinkers, those who are passionate about ideas and wish to be the catalysts in spreading the message of creativity and innovation.
Every voice of Love I’ve ever heard or read, be it that of Jesus the Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, the Advaidic gurus of India, the Yogic sages, and on, has offered the...
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If you like Pen & Paper RPGs and Choose your Own Adventure / Gamebooks, then you should definitely give Erannorth a spin.Erannorth is a text-based RPG Game that takes...
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For the last couple of years, I have been watching two areas of life in our society deteriorate markedly. Though they may seem unrelated, I have finally seen the thread...
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   The day started off like any other except no alarm startled Jan awake. Her eyes opened slowly, squinting and scanning the room. She felt groggy and blinked several...
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No, it’s not religious, this particular revival, but perhaps merely a sign of the times. With the pace at which we now live, our reading time must often coincide with...
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