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  • Orange County Social Media Super Stars


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This tribe is for Social Media professionals and enthusiasts who live in Orange County, California who support each other by sharing content.

We comment on each other's blogs and we automatically retweet each other's posts (no manual mode here.)

We blog 1-5 times per week.
Have you ever heard about The $517,000 customer? It comes from Carl Sewell’s book Customers for Life. In it, he teaches a simple credo, “Find out what...
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Social media platforms are changing at the speed of light. If you’re a marketer or a small business owner or even a salesperson, it’s hard to determine which...
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It’s crazy out there in SocialMediaLand right now. The upheaval in the social platforms the last several months is making it very difficult to know which end is...
Bhutanrealestate 4 months ago
Explore the impact of social media upheaval and discover actionable insights in 'Social Media Upheaval and What To Do About It.' This concise guide navigates the evolving digital landscape, offering strategies to adapt, engage responsibly, and thrive amidst the challenges of today's dynamic social media environment.
Watny Abellard
Watny Abellard 8 months ago
Choosing nowadays is like scrolling through a never-ending meme collection – options overload, and my decision-making skills are sweating!
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Wash your dish towels every week. Kitchen towels collect food, and food stains may lead to bacteria and odor. If you cook often, you may want to wash your kitchen towels...
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How often should you wash your towels? You can use your towels 3 to 4 times, but then they really need to get washed. Towels are designed for heavy use, but they will...
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