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Methinks they doth #protest too much... (or at least too senselessly): The #Trump #Election News is, by nature, new information. I can't recall who it was, but some...
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Selah.  To Pause.  To Praise.  To Break.  To Rest.   The meaning of this word, Selah, is unknown. It is used 70+ times in the Bible throughout the Psalms and a few...
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I’m fascinated by bridges. I live in California so you can imagine the first bridge that comes to mind is the Golden Gate Bridge. Regal. Majestic. Glorious. Poppy...
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A decade ago, as a young and naive 20-year-old, I remember sitting in one of my social work classes when the teacher brought up the idea of "self-care." I think if we...
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I remember one time I took my kids to a birthday party and one of the activities was painting. The hostess mama had paints and paper and brushes for each child. She...
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