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Yesterday I wrote about my elementary school fascination with HA Rey’s book Find The Constellations. In 2008 that book was updated to better describe Pluto’s status...
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When I attended St. John’s Grammar School in the Bronx, I had a reputation with the nuns. From year to year as older nuns retired and newer younger nuns came into my...
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I’m fascinated by Periscope because marketers are falling over themselves to edge out other marketers over who loves the platform more. “It’s the thing that every...
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Yesterday, I wrote about the lull that happens during a startup. I mentioned that I snapped my wife, Carol Lynn, and my partner, Dino Dogan, out of this funk, but left...
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Have you ever gotten into a funk? You’re chugging along doing your day to day and then one day you get a case of the blahs. Each day compounds the feeling. Your...
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