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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Purpose: To provide reciprocal engagement to a network of participants in order to increase members exposure, traffic, and influence. Reciprocal engagement: We share each others content with our audiences. The MAS Network is geared toward purposeful sharing of excellent content that is consistent as opposed to ad hoc sharing that is inconsistent. (No one will ever be expected to endorse or share content he/she disagrees with recognizing that, due to the qualifying of members, this will be the exception.) Network of participants: There are guidelines in place for those invited to participate. For instance, he/she must: create really good content that is regularly posted, have established a solid platform from which to share, participate regularly by reciprocating, sharing content and posting blog comments. Overall goal: Increase members exposure, traffic, and influence. Due to the consistent, intentional, and reciprocal nature of members sharing, each members individual exposure, web traffic, and influence will increase.
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Darga Dee
Darga Dee 6 months ago
Hey! Can you do SEO of my site.
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