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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A tribe dedicated to helping each other to succeed by sharing and inspiring each other. You don't have to be a parenting blogger; we welcome everyone who wants to make a positive change to others. Parenting - Lifestyle - Relationships - Working From Home - Inspiring - Survivors - Positive Thinking - Real Life - Self-Improvement - Together lets build a caring and supportive community.
We are all human and we all make mistakes.  An important life lesson is learning to recognize our mistakes and apologize for them.  This shows that we are...
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If you are looking for an educational project that gets kids having fun outdoors, a tree leaf identification project is perfect! They will actively be learning about...
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Having a family night at home isn’t just a great way to save money, it’s an excellent way to bond. That is, as long as you’re doing things together and...
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Few books have as much of a direct impact on a person’s thought process as does Dr. Carol Dweck’s, Mindset. I know when I read it, I found it useful for...
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Struggling to find the perfect activities to enjoy with your family on Labor Day weekend? Look no further! As the unofficial end of summer approaches, we all want to...
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