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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Women bloggers who are on BlogHer, or not, but who are interested in networking, sharing female perspective on blogging. How tos, how not to, real posts, real life, nonfiction- fiction- poetry- writers and bloggers who post about thoughts, writing, the world, travel, everything. Empty nesters welcome. Need not be a Mommy Blogger. Not a couponing and not a "my kid did this" as primary topics.
Regular readers will find this to differ from my usual post, at first glance.  Social action that sees light on this blog is often political, but at this time of the...
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I previously have written about being the hostess for a posted writing challenge that is not all overly challenging.  No, it should not be challenging just to...
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I cannot seem to finish the posts I am writing.  I lose interest with tasks if I do not complete them in one pass through.  It is not exactly disinterest which I...
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You can tell the academic in me is on home turf when I start talking about structure and function, about la lengue and la parole, about emic and etic.  ( Note: This...
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I wanted to go see Sandra Bernhardt tonight, but I am trying to force myself to get everything ready for traveling back to Indiana.   I have these mounds of clothing to...
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