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  • Global Animal Welfare- Automatic Social Sharing for Amazon CARES Charity


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Support Amazon CARES Animal Rescue Charity in a way that carrys a lot of punch! We no longer have an rss feed or send blog posts through email. However, YOU can still receive our posts via email! AND THAT'S NOT ALL! Each post will have social sharing buttons, and it would mean so much for you to take the time to share our content across your networks! Please join this automatic tribe today! You don't need a blog! Just be a fan of the work Amazon CARES is doing in a very deprived part of the world! Thank you! Start sharing our blog content today!
Our hearts are breaking as we share this extremely sad news with you: Amazon CARES Founder, Molly Mednikow, died unexpectedly on Sunday, October 29th. Please read on as...
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The headline is dramatic, but it’s absolutely true. Every time I visit our shelter and clinic in Peru, I’m amazed by the huge strides we’ve made for homeless...
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Amazon CARES: Wordless Wednesday - #AnimalShelter Flood ...
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Amazon CARES: Fully Recovered, #RescueDog Gary is a Member of a Loving Family! #Adoption Follow-Up! ...
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Scott is now a happy puppy. He'll gradually recover and move on!
Amazon CARES charity -Community Animal Rescue, Edu
Amazon CARES charity -Community Animal Rescue, Edu 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing! Sorry to be behind. Just finished law school thesis on mandatory spay / neuter laws! Got an A!
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