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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Most likely a tribe of randomness which may or may not provide anything but entertainment. Don't ask me what I'm an expert in.
I get a little disappointed on my birthday. It started somewhere around the late 30s (because who gets disappointed about birthdays in their 20s? No one. That's who.)...
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The Iron Golem (Monster Squad Series book1) by: Author Christian Page Published by: New Generation Publishing Release date: on November 30, 2014 Genres: Middle-Grade,...
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Princess Nevaeh is a cute story about a girl who learns to be a princess from her Mimi through self worth and being kind. It's a heartwarming book with adorable pictures...
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Sons of the Sphinx by: Cheryl Carpinello Genres: Pre-Teen/Tween/YA: Paranormal; Coming of Age; Adventure; Historical Fiction 126 Pages Release date: October 10,...
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I know. It’s been a while. It seems like every damn time I blog it starts out like this. To anyone who is still around, you’ll be happy to know I plan on blogging...
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