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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A group for bloggers who are currently in Asia, or have a large amount of Asian travel articles in their archives.

Please help share the love at least once weekly, or else you will be removed to make room for others.
i We are on the road to get some healthy foods and stop off at DaTerra Restaurant in Viseu for some Vegan Cake and Bio Coffee. While there we observe the younger,...
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i Today starts with a hard workout with our toddler Story early in the morning before things heat up in central Portugal. We head to the post office and then the park to...
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i Living in Portugal as a Vegan has always been tough. The local food is very simple and Meat / Eggs heavy. But now one of our local stores is focusing on Vegan products...
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i We set out to give Eden the dog a walk and ended up finding something we didn't expect in the forest! Portugal surprised us again with it's natural splendor. We also...
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i We had a big issue with our website and half our customers that bought Merch got refunded automatically. Now our payment processor says we have to pay the WHOLE BILL...
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