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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A tribe dedicated to learning and sharing insights about laws affecting tech, new media, and Internet companies. Special attention is given to Internet law topics affecting the rights of startups and entrepreneurs.
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently introduced a new FLSA salary threshold. The DOL estimates that 4.2 million workers will be affected by the FLSA overtime...
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You hired an employee. You had them fill out Form W-4 and Form I-9. They read the employee handbook. You put them through training. That’s all you have to do,...
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Firing an employee is a tough decision for any business owner. Make sure to do it the legal way. No one likes to fire an employee. You may be concerned about hurting...
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Minimum wage is the lowest amount that you can pay an employee per hour. It is regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and is enforced by the U.S. Department of...
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The DOL’s new overtime rules for exempt employees dramatically increased the salary threshold in May 2016. The salary threshold is the minimum salary you must pay an...
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