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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This is a place for those of us with blogs that focus on more than one specific topic. Are you a foodie? A dog lover? Special needs parent? Wish you had a TARDIS in your back yard? Then you have found your tribe.

(The fine print: inactive/non-sharers will be removed after 30 days. I will keep track.)
I’ve never been a big believer in New Year’s resolutions. Eat less, eat better, exercise more, work harder, relax more . . . yadda yadda. The onset...
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When I was three-years-old, my favourite movie was The Wizard of Oz. There was just one problem. I had no beef with the flying monkeys or the gnarled wicked witch; it...
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A can of creamed corn a Q-tip Line dancing in gym class The Epilady Charo Hammer toes A pierced nether region Expressions like “you do you” A porcelain...
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Your social media feed is stuffed to bursting with the resolutions your friends and family are making for the new year. All the good and earnest people feel the need to...
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My husband asked me if I had any New Year’s resolutions that I was shooting for this year. Shooting for? What the fuck does that even mean? Yeah, I am shooting for...
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