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Seems like any recording devices for audio to computer or instrument to computer cost a hefty investment. Its not unusual to see equipment costing $200 or more and that...
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The grass is always greener... 2014 has been the year for re-releasing older games with a new coat of paint. In fact some would argue that the best game of the year is a...
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Flying saucer in a Buddhist temple in Thailand, there are about 40 thousand temples, and perhaps one of the most interesting - Buddhist temple Wat Phra Dhammakaya. He is...
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Fabulous oasis in the African wilderness lakes Ubari Is this natural wonder in what is now Libya, among the sand dunes. Scientists suggest that before there existed an...
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"Yellow River" in China, the Yellow River (which means "Yellow River") - the second largest river in China. The discovery of the famous reservoir on the river - a very...
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