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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A tribe for anyone who loves a good thriller or sci-fi adventure! Whether you love to write them or are addicted to reading them (or both!), this group is for you.

Here you tell can the world about your Science Fiction and Thriller novels, give status updates for works in progress, let readers know about any offers and promotions and share tips and advice with other authors.

Please share every post which is relevant to your followers as the tribe only works if everyone shares. Thanks! Periodically I will check through the members list to see who hasn't shared anything for more than a month. Stay active!

Let's keep sharing and supporting each other!
Neon Houses is a dystopian thriller set in the future with flying cars and psychic abilities. It follows Noel as she tries to solve the strange murder of a young woman...
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  Hi, SE’ers. John here on this last Friday of May. (The time flies cliche works beautifully here) I have been reading a lot lately where authors are...
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Greetings, SE’ers! Beem Weeks here with you again. Today, I’m discussing vanishing reviews on Amazon. Last year, I wrote a post on the necessity of being...
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Hi Gang! Craig with you again today to talk about artistic license. I am not an expert here, so this is presented with the desire to get some discussion going....
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This post explores the origins of homonyms—words spelt and pronounced the same but with different meanings. We’ll discover how we use them in everyday...
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