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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

First post here! Check out the blog Saturday (I'll post it here) when I will reveal an interactive and I think, very funny series. You'll see. I need to leave SOME kind of hook, right?
Top 5 Best Content writing Tips For 2018 and beyond!   A content writer's job is never done, with top quality content in more demand than ever before. That's fine...
Milton 3 years ago
this is very interesting information
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To stay in front of the opposition, to stay relevant and useful for searchers and advertisers, Google and Microsoft invest heavily in machine learning technologies. Why?...
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If your business or interests are rather niche, it can be difficult to keep coming up with fresh ideas for your blog. A company that specialises in cement screed for...
Milton 3 years ago
What is blogging trends in 2020?
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This part brings our little 'The trouble with phonics' series to a conclusion, and it is here where I will attempt to show you why we should no longer be using the...
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The widely accepted 'phonics beater' is the whole word approach, or the 'look and say' method is favoured by many teachers, language experts and parents the world over,...
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