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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Want some buzz for your book? This team of busy bee authors and book promoters are here to help each other out! Members can link to their book related blog RSS feed and share other members' content on a weekly basis. Thanks for joining the Book Buzz team and let's keep our books abuzzing!
The following is the opening to the story, Weaver of Dreams. It is a story about beings who visit humans in their dreams to feed off their emotions. I hope you enjoy it....
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Looking for inspiration, a way to get your creative juices flowing? Here is a writing prompt for this weekend. Write a few lines, a paragraph, or even a short story...
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Last year, to celebrate the holiday, I shared a post all about the things I love about today. Since it is nice to have a reminder of things to be grateful for, I have...
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This weekend snippet is from my story, A Midsummer Night’s Demon. It is available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited. I hope you enjoy it.He ghosted behind the couple....
A Moment With Mystee
A Moment With Mystee 4 weeks ago
Sharing your posts on twitter (but only replying to this one)
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Last year, to celebrate the holiday, I shared a post all about the things I love about today. Since it is nice to have a reminder of things to be grateful for, I have...
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