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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A place for bloggers, entrepreneurs, tech enthusiasts (especially gamers) and authors to meet and share their content.
I learned an important lesson about racism yesterday. For context: I'm one of maybe two or three black people who work here. So yesterday, when a friend of mine...
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Are there any words more horrifying to the writer's ear than those seven? It took me three tries to even type the sentence. I can't imagine how many typos the first...
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I love writing by hand, and I love notebooks. I'll often devote entire budgets to them and when Officemax has one of their twenty-five cent sales, I'll buy them out. I...
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I'm still tweaking. There's so much more. Apparently, there are these things call "Smart Lights" that have been missing from my life. But anyways... The most...
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I know, I haven't done one of these in ages. I think my last one was more than a year ago. The number one question I get from both friends and fans is are you ever...
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