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How people respond to Divorce We want to go to the victim narrative. Don't have the ability to control what we thought we could We also get a scarcity...
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You have had a bad day. It's normal to have an off day or even an off week. So what makes that day, week, or year appear to be bad? We want to point our finger at an...
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How do you look at a problem you are facing? So many times we see a problem coming our way and we freeze. Our minds instantly decided that it just isn't possible to get...
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How do you want to show up? What is showing up? are you present at the moment or are you always lost in thought? How are you valuing those you are...
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Your life is your home. You live in your this home day in and day out. How much do you like your life? What would it take for you to have the life you want? It would...
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