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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

For those looking to help grow and better each others blogs organically on personal finance: getting out of debt, investing, exploring money saving techniques, and finding the path to financial freedom! Welcome to the Tribe!
It’s no secret that eating out can add up very quickly. But have you ever really considered or added up how much it’s costing you to eat out per month?...
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I often see and hear of friends, family, coworkers all purchasing new cars. I, myself… am… or should I say… was guilty of buying a new truck at one...
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After writing two of my latest post, “Budgeting for Success” and “The Frugal Mindset” I have received numerous emails for tips and tricks on a...
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I've often had people ask the Wise Financial Man the first step in beginning their path to financial freedom. Well I guess the first step would be making the decision to...
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Across the world, people are drastically changing their lives, becoming more and more frugal, adapting to what I like to call “The Frugal Mindset”, some,...
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