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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A place to savor morsels of inspiration and share ideas that promote a positive outlook on life!
Why do we get so paralyzed by stress? Have you ever seen a squirrel try to impress its friends? Of course not. Animals live with a very clear and perfectly-programmed...
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In my work with couples, it is fairly common to observe many marital stereotypes. This includes the witch of a wife being an overbearing figure who can never be pleased....
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When it comes to thrill rides or risk taking – I’m the guy that is always off to the side. I am the most risk-averse person you’ll meet. Ironically, however, I...
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The traffic light turns red and the row of cars slowly crawl to a stop. It turns green and then red once again, but strangely, not a single car moves. As each driver is...
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For many couples, what starts off as a simple miscommunication often evolves into a disagreement. Before long, it turns into a dispute, followed by a full-blown fight....
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