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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

We monitor the pulse of the home decor & DIY blogosphere and provide content that you otherwise might have not thought to look for.
This past month, a local viral gremlin managed to set up residence in my home and provided me with three weeks of "unplanned" vacation time while I recovered from...
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I can't go anywhere on social media without hearing about Trump. People are sitting here worrying about resistance fatigue. Nah, man, I'm worried about Trump fatigue....
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Holidays with family usually involve recounting embarrassing stories of each other. This past New Year's Eve, one of my earliest baking attempts managed to make the...
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What if I told you that you could have super good Italian food in about 10 minutes for about a buck? Would you believe me?   Well then, prepare to believe.   This is...
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For years, I've been patiently waiting to bring my son into the world of SF literature and film that I love so deeply. We've been dancing around the edges of lore for a...
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