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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

We are women who travel or live abroad or both and who write long, intelligent posts about it. We probably should have been novelists.
Now that I’m in Mexico, everybody talks about Cancun, Oaxaca, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Mérida, and so on. These are amazing places, don’t mistake me, but what else...
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About two years ago, my best friend and her husband traveled to San Diego. This struck me as an odd choice. I’ve known these two for nearly 15 years, and they travel...
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I am so old I remember when the only way to record my travels was to write in a bound journal and use a disposable camera. YES, I’m that old. I’m betting $100 you...
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Recently I posted an interesting article on my fan page that garnered thousands of views: Digital nomads or people who mainly work online are always looking for the...
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Let’s talk about Amsterdam. I’d rather forget it after the entire city pissed me off last summer, but truth is people want sound advice on what to see or do...
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