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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This stream promotes Carrot Ranch's flash fiction writers. For more information about Carrot Ranch and its weekly 99-word flash fiction challenges, visit
Yes, I am a little #hashtaghappy, but that's because for the next 10 days I am working as a wrangler over at Carrot Ranch, hosting a Twitterflash party. Curious? We're...
HASTI 6 years ago
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Once a week I like to go sit in a local restaurant and write in my notebook. I go during their downtime (between lunch and dinner) and write whatever comes to mind. I...
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I don't know if it is the absurdity of the news coming from those elected into power as of late or the thousands of fireflies enjoying the unmowed jungle surrounding my...
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July is nearing an end, which means my 30 stories in 31 days trauma—I mean, challenge is almost over. No, I will not be completing the 30 stories, but I am happy with...
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I'm feeling kinda goofy this week. It could be the ever-present caffeine or the full 8 hours of sleep I am getting each night or the 10,000 steps I keep taking each day,...
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