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  • Emily Mah's Science Fiction and Fantasy Feed


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Share blogposts on new releases, book reviews, anthology opportunities, new markets, the process of writing, award nominations, and whatever else is on the mind of members of the science fiction and fantasy community.
Do you have an #8wordstory busting to get out? What would you write about? Which category/prompt would you be writing about?   #change #love #home or #play I was very...
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When I first made the decision to submit a proposal to Oz Comic-Con I wasn’t sure how it would go. I wasn’t sure 1) if the Con coordinators would even consider...
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So you want to write an abstract poem? Well, I was lucky enough to have a poem selected and published in an art and literature journal this month. The theme was...
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So you want to write an abstract poem? Well, I was lucky enough to have a poem selected and published in an art and literature journal this month. The theme was...
Vacen Lee Taylor
Vacen Lee Taylor 7 years ago
Thank you so much, Sheilagh. :)
Vacen Lee Taylor
Vacen Lee Taylor 7 years ago
Vacen Lee Taylor
Vacen Lee Taylor 7 years ago
Thank you :)
Sheilagh Lee
Sheilagh Lee 7 years ago
congratulations on your publication
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The famous Japanese painter Hokusai said that everything he did before he was 73 was quite worthless and that it was only after then, he had embarked on his true...
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