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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This Tribe is for anyone involved in the financial planning industry who writes about marketing and practice management for financial advisors.
We encourage you to share posts from the other Tribe members and to comment on each other's blogs. You don't have to share everything - only content that you feel is relevant to your social media followers.
Some of us will also share via our LinkedIn accounts as well as Twitter.
Have you seen the hilarious video of Candace Payne and her Chewbacca mask? A week ago you wouldn’t have a clue what I was talking about. Now, I’m sure you do. Late...
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Mention the words ‘Robo-advice’ to financial planners today and you’ll get a range of reactions ranging from “It’s a waste of time – computers will never...
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Podcast: Play in new window | Download In today’s episode of the Advisor Marketing Club Podcast we look at robo-advice and financial advisors. There’s a lot of...
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Have you ever thought about how easy (or difficult) it may be for clients to find your business? I had an experience today that reminded me of the importance of making...
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A long time ago I wrote an article called “Is There A Better Way?“. In it I talked about the need for us to step back and analyse what we do and ask ourselves the...
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