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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A place to celebrate man's best friend. I'm rolling out a new website, and the blogging model and contest generation is still taking shape. But I want to offer an upbeat stream of stories. Stay tuned.

I'm tapping some long-time supporters of my other tribes, just to ramp this up, and I'd ask you to join me in helping launch this. Even if you don't think it's a perfect fit (no pressure to share), then I'd appreciate your suggestions and feedback.


[email protected]
It’s amazing how much the things we take for granted have changed over the years. Photography is a good example. My daughter, who used to be a librarian, told me...
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We spent a week in Sweden in the nineties and more recently, a Baltic Cruise allowed us to pay a new visit to Stockholm with a bus tour of the city, followed by a boat...
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Another year almost gone! It’s hard to believe that summer is over and fall has arrived. The nights are cooler, the days are still warm and sunny, at least in my...
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In Regency England, there existed a community of mystery and intrigue—The Romany Gypsies. These nomadic people, known for their colorful wagons, lively traditions,...
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During difficult times, we remain frozen in one place and moving seems almost impossible. We focus on what we can’t do rather than do something different, and yet...
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